
​The training to become a Certified Alpha practitioner is a 3-week class.

During the 3 weeks, you will learn how to conduct all the exercises in the program, you will learn to spot the client on a horse and you will learn exactly what is required of the horse as well as some training of the horse.

You will also receive the full Alpha program yourself during training, as you will be practicing with the others in class.

​Skriv til os

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Nogle felter er ikke udfyldt korrekt

Practical part

During the practical part of the training, you learn how to properly place and keep/hold the participant on the horse and conduct the appropriate exercises.
Composing the sessions is part of the training and to become prepared to different scenarios. Not 2 sessions or programs are the same. We will go through all the drills several times, performing them and addressing what each drill does for the brain etc. and also address how to move forward with the clients.

It is important to us, that you will be equipped, theoretically as well as practically, to start practicing on your own when education is over.

You are also provided with the knowledge of how to choose a proper horse for this therapy method, and how to train and work with the chosen horse.

You do not need significant experience with horses to start the training! Basic knowledge of being around horses is sufficient.

We want you to be passionate!

As long as your heart is open to people and to horses, you can be on your way to become one of our best practitioners! After the training you are offered our guidance and assistance to start up your business.

You will find yourself on our website www.alphaBrainBalancing.com, where global and local marketing will be performed. You will be invited to join any future events and trainings available for Licensed Alpha Practitioners only.

Education is 18 days total of which the 14 days are education days. Included in the education price is:

  • Education days with coffee, the and snacks,
  • Manual,
  • Coaching before and after,
  • Assistance after the education which can be around finding the right horse, marketing and getting the business started,
  • Organization and performing of information meetings (which has shown to be the most efficient way to get clients in a good flow). I will come to the practitioner and do the information meetings. Sometimes just the first time or several times together with the practitioner and then little by little in the speed each of you are ready, you can do it themselves.

Included in the training is also a manual with all the theory.​

Training is available at least twice a year.

Hvad der gør os unik

Hvorfor vælge vores behandlingsform?​

Virkningen kan mærkes i første session

Et fuldt forløb består af 10 sessioner, hvor nogle oplever at de har brug for færre sessioner og andre har behov for flere.

Dygtig behandler i Danmark

Vi har en meget dygtig behandler i Gørslev ved Ringsted. Hun hjælper kunder fra hele landet.


​Det siger vores kunder

Pernille Stigaard

"Pernille has been seriously ill with MS for 17 years, since she was 5 years old. She had come very far with different techniques, but there was still quite a lot of damage to the brain."

Brad Clark

"Brad Clark is a Vietnam veteran and a Medical Doctor as well. Brad has had severe PTSD for 52 yers. He was having trouble sleeping and slept only 20 minutes at a time his entire adult life, since he left Vietnam in 1975."


"Freja is a 7-year old girl, who had learning difficulties. When Freja started school, it was clear that she had problems focusing and especially with reading. She got uncomfortably, got headache and just could'nt do it. Freja was a quiet and shy girl."


"Choi is 10 years old. He was born in week 31, 9 weeks early. Choi has celebral edema due to celebral hemorrage, so he is spastic in the right side with right arm and leg very weak."

Vi arbejder ud fra Alpha metoden med specialtrænede heste. Det er en form for alternativ behandling, der har til formål at fjerne en lang række psykiske og fysisks e symptomer og diagnoser​

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Har du spørgsmål?

Ring til os via nummeret herunder eller send en mail til hstigaard@gmail.com.

Henvendelser besvares hurtigst muligt.​

Alpha Method ApS

CVR​: 41357703

Nørre Vænge 2

4772 Langebæk